
Weglot announced as a global WordPress event sponsor for 2nd year running

Weglot announced as a global WordPress event sponsor for 2nd year running
Thomas Fanchin
Written by
Thomas Fanchin
Thomas Fanchin
Written by
Thomas Fanchin
Thomas Fanchin
Reviewed by
Updated on
July 7, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that once again we’re a global sponsor of all WordPress WordCamps and meetups in 2023! Weglot is excited to continue our support throughout 2023, which marks 7 years of Weglot supporting the WordPress community.

As global sponsors also in 2022 we were proud to have attended 13 events around the world, backed initiatives such as WordPress Translation Day, invited WordPress community members to share their involvement on our blog, and engaged in many other actions that keep the WordPress ecosystem growing! Weglot is a supporter of the WordPress Five for the Future initiative, and our 2023 renewed global sponsorship strengthens our overall commitment to the community. 

“We’re again proud to be supporting the WordPress community as a gold sponsor in 2023. Playing an active part in all global WordPress events allows us to support the great work the volunteers do to keep the community and knowledge sharing alive. We’ll be present at several global events and look forward to making new connections and meeting long-time friends of Weglot.” 
Augustin Prot, CEO and Co-Founder of Weglot

We’ll be attending WordCamp Asia from 17-19 February, so make sure to pop by our stand to say hello, we’re looking forward to meeting, connecting, and catching up with you all there!

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