General integration x Weglot

Translate your website

Add multiple languages to any CMS or custom-built website in minutes.

Translate your website

Join thousands of global brands from every industry

IBM logo
Nielsen logo
Volcom logo
United Nation logo

Get started in minutes

No internal development
No internal development

No internal development

Save time and internal resources with a website translation solution that automatically translates and displays your website into multiple languages without duplicate websites, code or lengthy project management.

Simple translation management

Optimize your workflow

Remove lengthy internal processes with one translation management dashboard. Manage your project centrally with export/import, team collaboration and our glossary features.

Easily manage your translations

Automatic and human translation

Automatic and human translation

Combine automatic and human translation for speed, accuracy and efficiency. Rely on Weglot’s sync feature to continuously translate and display any newly added or edited content.

Simple translation management

Simple translation management

Collaborate with teammates, external translation teams and project managers inside your Weglot Dashboard and centralize the management of your website translation project.

Automatic and human translation

Reach visitors all over the world

A translated and live site in minutes
A translated and live site in minutes

A translated and live site in minutes

Manage all your website translations through one interface. Combine automatic translation, human editing, and the option to order professional translations directly inside your Weglot Dashboard.

Integrated multilingual SEO setup

Integrated multilingual SEO setup

For live websites where SEO is key, Weglot automatically adds hreflang tags, and displays your site under language subdomains/subdirectories for visibility in your new markets.

Go multilingual with ease

Take a product demo

Take a product demoSwitcher

Experience the power of Weglot with our interactive demo that takes you through the seamless process of translating a website – from the initial setup to displaying a fully multilingual website in just 2 minutes.

Testing, developing, or staging phase?

Use our JavaScript integration. Copy & paste a snippet of code into your project, and you’ll be good to go.

Live website, where SEO is key?

Use our full integration and get language-specific, searchable subdomains or subdirectories.

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Compatible with your favorite WordPress plugins

Weglot works seamlessly with WordPress plugins and allows you to offer a fully localized user experience for your multi language website. Learn more through our pricing.

Learn how to get started

Improve your skills and find the key information you need to grow your business globally
from our vast collection of resources.

Video Tutorial

How to translate your website

Integrate Weglot into your BigCommerce store by following our general integration video tutorial.


A step-by-step Weglot integration guide

Translate your website in minutes by following our general integration guide!


How to translate your entire website online:
What you need to know

Everything you need to get started with your website translation project.


4 Key Search Engine Optimization Tips for Your Multilingual Website in 2024

Discover actionable steps you can take as part of a high-quality content marketing strategy to beat the algorithm and bring more organic traffic to your multilingual site.

Case study


Discover how cosmetics brand Polaar effortlessly launched English and German on their store.

Case study icon - Weglot
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